
Katrin Krumm (*1989) is a writer based in Hamburg. Currently, she is part of the Gallerytalk team. After assisting at Kunsthalle Basel in Switzerland, she has been managing the digital communication and social media for Sfeir-Semler Gallery. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked for the non-profit project Kunstnothilfe , a solidarity fund to support art and culture professionals in need. Collaborating with institutions such as E-Werk Freiburg and Südufer, she co-curated several interdisciplinary events, festivals and exhibitions, for instance New Old Black Forest. While living in the Netherlands, she assisted in implementing the Corporate Identity for the young art fair UNFAIR Amsterdam. As a lecturer at Macromedia, she led the pre-studies course and held several lectures and workshops on the topics of design ethics, web accessibility, content moderation and censorship. Current and past collaborations include ABC PLUS, Theresa Weise, Air Waves, Hansen/2, Raymond Liew Jin Pin, Studio Bas Koopmans, Kleiderei, Immanuel Calvin Herchenbach, Alessa Joosten, Mia Morgan, Reach Another System, CXXYYL, URTE and RapFatale.

All Text Publications

  • Eins gegen Eins Marina Xenofontos at Kunstverein Hamburg (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Das Bild als Schauplatz Anna Stüdeli at ICAT, Finkenwerder Kunstpreis 2024 (Review), HFBK Lerchenfeld Magazine #70, 2024
  • On Repetition Veronika Maria Haller, Katalog, 2024 (Publication)
  • In Erinnerung an Dan Lie at Barbara Wien (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Sie wächst und tobt Group show at Chess Club (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Jochen Lempert Ankunft der Mauersegler: 26.4.2024 Jochen Lempert at BQ Galerie (Exhibition text), 2024
  • Bau mir einen Unterschlupf "On What Defines a Shelter" at Frappant (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Under Construction Akinori Tao and Jakob Spengemann at Kunsthaus Hamburg (Review), Lerchenfeld April 2024, 2024
  • My ego in this show Philipp Joy Reinhardt: The Critics at Golden Pudel, 2024 (Zine)
  • Alles in Ordnung Tomomi Yamakawa at W.M.P. (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Ein Dutzend rote Rosen Belia Brückner at Kunstverein Gastgarten (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Alles wird gut Paul Wallington at Siddiq Projects (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Mensch und Pferd Nanhee Kim und Jaewon Kim at Westwerk (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Auf Spurensuche Akinori Tao at Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Was bleibt "Neue Kunst in Hamburg" Reisestipendiat*innen auf den Fleetinsel-Galerien (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • In Wut vereint Rosanna Graf at Kunsthaus Hamburg (Review), Gallerytalk, 2024
  • Der Erzähler Joschua Yesni Arnaut: Always Leave Them Wanting Less, 2024 (Publication)
  • In Resonanzraum Leonie Kellein and Tanita Olbrich at Künstlerhaus Sootbörn (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • DOOM Merlin Reichart, DOOM, Graduate work HFBK Hamburg, 2023 (Text)
  • Passage Fritz Lehmann, Passage, Graduate work HFBK Hamburg, 2023 (Text)
  • GUTEN APPETIT! Belia Brückner, GUTEN APPETIT!, Graduate work HFBK Hamburg, 2023 (Text)
  • Auf Lager Matthew Muir at Galerie Oelfrüh (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • It's In My Body: Leonie Kellein and Benjamin Ord Field protocol of an evening hosted by KVHB and invited by Martin Karcher aka ABC PLUS, 2023
  • Vielstimmige Verwundbarkeit Thank you for having us at Frappant (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Mission: Widerstand Klara Lidén at Galerie Neu (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Von oben betrachtet Raphaela Vogel at BQ (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Dreh mal am Herd Jaewon Kim at Hinterconti (Exhibition text), 2023
  • Unbehagen im Scheinwerferlicht Nassim L'Ghoul at EIGEN + ART Lab (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Trotz allem Situation\Condition\Position at ICAT (Review), HFBK Lerchenfeld Magazine #67, 2023
  • Geflochtene Mehrdeutigkeit Noémi Barbaglia at Produzentengalerie (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Mythen, Maria und das Meer Santa Maria Paraffina at MOM art space (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Poof, Wow! – Of Magic, Money and Mastery Linus Berg and Celia Zehetgruber at ORBIT (Exhibition text), 2023
  • Melodien des Aufbegehrens Biennale für Freiburg (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Gewaltvoll geschnürt Tiona Nekkia McClodden at Kunsthalle Basel (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Gesellschaft beginnt mit drei Frieder Haller at Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Die Kritik der Nützlichkeit Group show at Frappant (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Die Ikonographie der Euphorie Rosa Lüders in 14a Gallery (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Im Dazwischen Sung Tieu im n.b.k (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Fällt grösser aus Kristina Nagel at Fragile (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Gemeinsames Hinabtauchen Lulu MacDonald and Maik Gräf at Studio 45 (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Geschichten vom Erwachsenwerden Theresa Rothe and Josefine Schulz at Künstlerhaus Sootbörn (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Höllenritt im Zuckerrausch LuYang at Kunsthalle Basel (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Den Finger in die Wunde Selbst und Zweck at ICAT Atelierhaus HFBK (Review), Gallerytalk, 2023
  • Sorry, ich hab null Ahnung von Kunst Henriette Weber at Hyper Cultural Passengers (Exhibition text), 2022
  • Zusammen fragil Protection Procedures at Studio Peragine (Review), Gallerytalk, 2022
  • Die Erhöhung des Selbst im Widerstand Leyla Yenirce at Kunsthaus Hamburg (Review), Gallerytalk, 2022

  • Exhibition Projects

  • 2023 The Aftermath of Entertainment, MOM art space, Hamburg, DE
  • 2017 UFER 2.0, E-Werk, Freiburg, DE
  • 2016 UFER, E-Werk, Freiburg, DE
  • 2014 New Old Black Forest, E-Werk, Freiburg, DE

  • Lectures

  • Led the pre-studies course under Prof. Karin Jobst, SS19
  • Digital Fine Arts (Lecture), Macromedia Freiburg, WS18/19
  • Digital Meditation (Workshop), Macromedia Freiburg, WS18/19-SS19
  • 3D Photo Concept (Lecture), Macromedia Freiburg, SS19
  • Digitale Ethik (Lecture), Macromedia Freiburg, WS19/20
  • Design und das „dritte Geschlecht“ (Workshop), Macromedia Freiburg, SS19

  • Selected Press

  • Genreübergreifender Abend im Südufer Badische Zeitung, 2017
  • Ein theatralisches Event Stadtbesten, 2017
  • Tanz, Installationen, Party Badische Zeitung, 2017
  • The Internet is Present OFLUXO, 2015

  • Awards

  • Rombach Innovation Award, 2015

  • Contact

  • +49(0)173 257 921 9
  • info@katrinkrumm.de
  • @katrinkrumm